[SOLUCIONADO] Modification in the configuration of John the ripper

Iniciado por Fernando1234, Marzo 17, 2022, 06:22:48 AM

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Marzo 17, 2022, 06:22:48 AM Ultima modificación: Marzo 19, 2022, 03:31:08 PM por AXCESS
I want to make a modification in the process of verifying a possible password (not in the generation) to compare different options when checking if a password exists or not.
Could you do it with external mode? or by modifying the code itself, and in this case in which file this check is made.

You don't need modify JTR's configuration. With JTR is possible to check words from a dictionary.

You need use the following parameter:

john --wordlist=diccionario.lst password.txt

Best Regards,