
[In]Seguridad Informática => Hacking => Mensaje iniciado por: ANTRAX en Enero 18, 2016, 05:38:14 PM

Título: Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: ANTRAX en Enero 18, 2016, 05:38:14 PM
Hola a todos!
Les comparto un script para Geolocalizar personas mediante su cuenta de twitter.

Código (python) [Seleccionar]
#!/usr/bin/python -u
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import tweepy
import sys
import getopt
import datetime
import urllib2
import os
import string

# OAuth Settings
# How to obtain the API key:
# Go to https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
# Copy the consumer key (API key), consumer secret, access token and access token secret

# App parameters (please, don't modify these values!)
program_name = "tinfoleak"
program_version = "v1.2"
program_date = "03/02/2014"
program_author_name = "Vicente Aguilera Diaz"
program_author_twitter = "@VAguileraDiaz"
program_author_companyname = "Internet Security Auditors"

# Global parameters
arg_name = "" # twitter account
arg_count = 100 # number of tweets to be analyzed
arg_time = 0 # 1 = show the time in the results, 0 = don't show the time in the results
arg_basic = 0 # 1 = show basic info for the user, 0 = don't show basic info for the user
arg_source = 0 # 1 = show the application used by the user, 0 = don't show the application used by the user
arg_hashtags = 0 # 1 = show the hashtags, 0 = don't show the hashtags
arg_mentions = 0 # 1 = show the user mentions, 0 = don't show the user mentions
arg_find = "" # word to search in the user timeline
arg_stime = "00:00:00" # start time (filter)
arg_etime = "23:59:59" # end time (filter)
arg_sdate = "1900/01/01" # start date (filter)
arg_edate = "2100/01/01" # end date (filter)
arg_output = "" # log file
arg_geofile = "" # KML file (Google Earth tweets visualization)
arg_pics = "" # directory to download user pictures
tweet_images = [] # store the user images
source = [] # store the applications (twitter client)
hashtags = [] # store the hashtags
user_mentions = [] # store the user mentions
tweet_with_word = [] # store the tweets filtered by the specified word
geo_info = [] # store the geolocation info
sdate = datetime.datetime.now() # the current date and time
color = "[1;96m" # color used in the headers

# User authentication
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)

# Tweepy (a Python library for accessing the Twitter API)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# Print data to the console and log file
def print_data(data):
print data
if arg_output:
tmp = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, data)
newdata = tmp.replace(color, " ").replace("[0m", " ")
fd.write(newdata + "\n")

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ print_data() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Show credits
def show_credits():
print "+++ "
print "+++ " + program_name + " " + program_version + " - \"Get detailed information about a Twitter user\""
print "+++ " + program_author_name + ". " + program_author_twitter
print "+++ " + program_author_companyname
print "+++ " + program_date
print "+++ "

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ show_credits() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Show usage
def show_usage():
print "Usage:\n# " + sys.argv[0] + " [-n|--name] username [-c|--count] count [-t|--time] [-b|--basic] [-s|--source] [-h|--hashtags] [-m|--mentions] [-g|--geo] geofile [--stime] stime [--etime] etime [--sdate] sdate [--edate] edate [-f|--find] word [-p|--pics] images [-o|--output] file"
print "\t(*) username: Twitter account"
print "\t    count: number of tweets to analyze (default value: 100)"
print "\t    time: show time in every result (default value: off)"
print "\t(+) basic: show basic information about the username (default value: off)"
print "\t(+) source: show applications used by username (default value: off)"
print "\t(+) hashtags: show hashtags used by username (default value: off)"
print "\t(+) mentions: show twitter accounts used by username (default value: off)"
print "\t(+) geofile: show geolocation information and save the results in KML format for Google Earth visualization (default value: off)"
print "\t    stime: filter tweets from this start time. Format: HH:MM:SS (default value: 00:00:00)"
print "\t    etime: filter tweets from this end time. Format: HH:MM:SS (default value: 23:59:59)"
print "\t    sdate: filter tweets from this start date. Format: YYYY/MM/DD (default value: 1900/01/01)"
print "\t    edate: filter tweets from this end date. Format: YYYY/MM/DD (default value: 2100/01/01)"
print "\t(+) word: filter tweets that include this word"
print "\t(x) images: [0] show images (parameter \"geofile\" is mandatory), [1] download images (to the \"screen_name\" directory)"
print "\t    file: output file"
print "\t(*) Required parameter"
print "\t(+) One of these parameters must be informed"
print "\t(x) If you enabled this option, you need to be patient. The execution time is greatly increased."
print "\n\tExamples:"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n vaguileradiaz -b"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n stevewoz -sc 1000"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n stevewoz -g stevewoz.kml -o output.log"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n vaguileradiaz -thm"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n billgates -g billgates.kml -p 1 -c 300"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n vaguileradiaz -tc 500 -f secret --sdate 2013/10/01 -o output.log"
print "\t\t# " + sys.argv[0] + " -n vaguileradiaz -shmtc 1000 --stime 08:00:00 --etime 18:00:00\n"

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ show_usage() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get options
def get_options():
global arg_name
global arg_count
global arg_time
global arg_basic
global arg_source
global arg_hashtags
global arg_mentions
global arg_find
global arg_stime
global arg_etime
global arg_sdate
global arg_edate
global arg_output
global arg_geofile
global arg_pics

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "n:c:tbshmg:f:p:o:", ["name=","count=","time","basic","source","hashtags","mentions","geo=","find=","stime=","etime=", "sdate=","edate=","pics=","output="])
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-n", "--name"):
arg_name = a
elif o in ("-c", "--count"):
arg_count = a
elif o in ("-t", "--time"):
arg_time = 1
elif o in ("-b", "--basic"):
arg_basic = 1
elif o in ("-s", "--source"):
arg_source = 1
elif o in ("-h", "--hashtags"):
arg_hashtags = 1
elif o in ("-m", "--mentions"):
arg_mentions = 1
elif o in ("-g", "--geo"):
arg_geofile = a
elif o in ("-f", "--find"):
arg_find = a
elif o in ("--stime"):
arg_stime = a
elif o in ("--etime"):
arg_etime = a
elif o in ("--sdate"):
arg_sdate = a
elif o in ("--edate"):
arg_edate = a
elif o in ("-p", "--pics"):
arg_pics = a
elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
arg_output = a


# Show final message
def show_final_message():
tdelta = datetime.datetime.now() - sdate
hours, remainder = divmod(tdelta.seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
print_data("\tElapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds) )
print_data("See you soon!")

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ show_final_message() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get basic info for twitter user name
def get_basic_info():
print_data(chr(27) + color + "\tAccount info" + chr(27) + "[0m")
print_data("\tScreen Name:\t\t " + user.screen_name.encode('utf-8'))
print_data("\tUser name:\t\t " + user.name.encode('utf-8'))
print_data("\tTwitter Unique ID:\t " + str(user.id))
print_data("\tAccount created at:\t " + user.created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'))
print_data("\tFollowers:\t\t " + str(user.followers_count))
print_data("\tTweets:\t\t\t " + str(user.statuses_count))
print_data("\tLocation:\t\t " + str(user.location.encode('utf-8')))
print_data("\tDescription:\t\t " + str(user.description.encode('utf-8')))
print_data("\tURL:\t\t\t " + str(user.url))
print_data("\tProfile image URL:\t " + str(user.profile_image_url))

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ basic_info() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get source
def get_source(tweet_source, tweet_created_at):
add = 1
for index, item in enumerate(source):
if tweet_source == item[0]:
add = 0
if add:
source.append([tweet_source, str(tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')), str(tweet_created_at.time())])

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ get_source() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get hashtags user mentions
def get_hashtags_user_mentions(request, name, tag, tweet_info, tweet_created_at):
tmp = ""
for i in tweet_info:
if i[name].encode('utf-8'):
tmp = tmp + tag + i[name].encode('utf-8') + " "
if len(tmp):
if not [tmp, tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), tweet_created_at.time()] in request:
if arg_time:
request.append([tmp, tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), tweet_created_at.time()])
add = 1
for m in request:
if tmp.lower() in m[0].lower():
add = 0
if add:
request.append([tmp, tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), tweet_created_at.time()])

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ get_hashtags_user_mentions() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get geo info
def get_geo_info(tweet_place, tweet_geo, tweet_created_at):
splace = ""
sgeo = ""
add = 0
if tweet_place:
splace = tweet_place.name.encode('utf-8')
add = 1
if tweet_geo:
sgeo = tweet_geo['coordinates']
add = 1
if add:
sinfo = splace + " " + str(sgeo)
sinfo = ""
geo_info.append([sinfo, str(tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')), str(tweet_created_at.time())])

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ get_geo_info() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get tweets with word
def get_tweets_with_word(tweet_text, tweet_created_at):
if arg_find.lower() in tweet_text.lower() or arg_output:
tweet_with_word.append([tweet_text, str(tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')), str(tweet_created_at.time())])

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ get_tweets_with_word() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get user images
def get_user_images(tweet_text, tweet_created_at):
urlimg = ""
spic = tweet_text.find("http://t.co/")
if spic > -1:
if (spic+22) < 141:
url = tweet_text[spic:spic+22]
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
if response:
html = response.read()
if html:
findurl = html.find("https://pbs.twimg.com/media/")
if findurl > -1:
urlimg = html[findurl:findurl+47]
if arg_pics == "1":
if not os.path.isdir(user.screen_name):
img = urllib2.urlopen(urlimg).read()
filename = urlimg.split('/')[-1]
if not os.path.exists(user.screen_name+"/"+filename):
f = open(user.screen_name+"/"+filename, 'wb')

tweet_images.append([urlimg, str(tweet_created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')), str(tweet_created_at.time())])

except Exception, e:
tweet_images.append(["", "", ""])
#print "\n[ get_user_images() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"
return 1

# Is valid
def is_valid(tweet):
valid = 1
time = str(tweet.created_at.time())
if time < arg_stime or time > arg_etime:
valid = 0

date = str(tweet.created_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
if date < arg_sdate or date > arg_edate:
valid = 0

return valid

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ is_valid() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Get detail info for twitter user name
def get_details():
page = 1
tweets = 0
while True:
timeline = api.user_timeline(screen_name=user.screen_name, include_rts=True, count=arg_count, page=page)
if timeline:
for tweet in timeline:
tweets += 1
if is_valid(tweet):
if arg_source:
get_source(tweet.source.encode('utf-8'), tweet.created_at)
if arg_hashtags:
get_hashtags_user_mentions(hashtags, 'text', '#', tweet.entities['hashtags'], tweet.created_at)
if arg_mentions:
get_hashtags_user_mentions(user_mentions, 'screen_name', '@', tweet.entities['user_mentions'], tweet.created_at)
if arg_pics == "1" or (arg_pics == "0" and arg_geofile):
get_user_images(tweet.text.encode('utf-8'), tweet.created_at)
if arg_geofile:
get_geo_info(tweet.place, tweet.geo, tweet.created_at)
if arg_find or arg_geofile:
get_tweets_with_word(tweet.text.encode('utf-8'), tweet.created_at)

sys.stdout.write("\r\t" + str(tweets) + " tweets analyzed")
if tweets >= int(arg_count):
page += 1
if tweets >= int(arg_count):
except Exception, e:
print "\n[ get_details() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Show tweet info
def show_tweet_info(tweet_info, header):
if arg_time:
print_data(chr(27) + color + "\tDate         Time       " + header + chr(27) + "[0m")
print_data(chr(27) + color + "\tDate         " + header + chr(27) + "[0m")

c = 0
for i in tweet_info:
if len(i[0]) > 1:
if arg_time:
print_data("\t" + str(i[1]) + " - " + str(i[2]) + " - " + str(i[0]))
print_data("\t" + str(i[1]) + " - " + str(i[0]))
c = c + 1

print_data ("\n\t" + str(c) + " results.")
print_data ("")

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ show_tweet_info() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Generates KML file
def generates_geofile(geo_info, tweets):
kml_file_content = ""
kml_file_header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2\">\n<Folder>\n"
kml_file_body = ""
kml_file_foot = "</Folder>\n</kml>"
lat = ""
lon = ""
cdata = ""
header = ""
content = ""
f = open(arg_geofile, "w")
c = 0
for i in geo_info:
photo = ""
scoordinates = str(i[0]).find("[")
ecoordinates = str(i[0]).find("]")
lat = str(i[0])[scoordinates+1:str(i[0]).find(",")]
lon = str(i[0])[str(i[0]).find(",")+2:ecoordinates]
if scoordinates > 0 and ecoordinates > 0:
header = "<table bgcolor=\"#000000\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td><font color=\"white\"><b>" + program_name + " " + program_version + "</b></font><td align=\"right\"><font color=\"white\">@vaguileradiaz</font></td></tr></table>"
content = "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"48\"><img src=\""+user.profile_image_url+"\"></td><td bgcolor=\"#cde4f3\"><b>" + user.name.encode('utf-8') + "</b> @" + user.screen_name.encode('utf-8') + "<br>" + tweets[c][0] + "</td></tr></table>"
if arg_pics:
if tweet_images[c][0]:
photo = " [Photo] "
content += "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td><img src=\"" + tweet_images[c][0] + "\"></td></tr></table>"
cdata = "\t\t<![CDATA[" + header + content + "]]>\n"
snippet = str(i[0][0:scoordinates-1].replace('&','and')) + photo
kml_file_body += "\t<Placemark>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t<name>" + str(i[1]) + " - " + str(i[2]) + "</name>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t<Snippet>" + snippet + "</Snippet>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t<description>\n" + cdata + "\t\t</description>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t<Point>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t\t<coordinates>" + lon + "," + lat + "</coordinates>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t\t</Point>\n"
kml_file_body += "\t</Placemark>\n"
c = c + 1
kml_file_content = kml_file_header + kml_file_body + kml_file_foot

except Exception, e:
print "\n[ generates_geofile() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"

# Main function
def main():
global user
global fd

if arg_output:
fd = open(arg_output, "w")
if arg_name == "" :
if arg_basic or arg_source or arg_hashtags or arg_mentions or arg_find or arg_geofile or arg_pics == "1" or (arg_pics == "0" and arg_geofile):
user = api.get_user(arg_name)
print_data ("Looking info for @"  + user.screen_name)
print_data ("")
if arg_basic:
if arg_source or arg_hashtags or arg_mentions or arg_find or arg_geofile or arg_pics:
if arg_source:
show_tweet_info(source, "Source")
if arg_hashtags:
show_tweet_info(hashtags, "Hashtags")
if arg_mentions:
show_tweet_info(user_mentions, "User mentions")
if arg_find:
show_tweet_info(tweet_with_word, "Word [" + arg_find + "]")
if arg_geofile:
show_tweet_info(geo_info, "Geolocation information")
generates_geofile(geo_info, tweet_with_word)

if arg_output:
except Exception, e:
print "\n[ main() Error ]\n\tError message:\t ", e, "\n"


Github Link: https://github.com/krmaxwell/tinfoleak/blob/master/tinfoleak.py
Creditos: @h4ckzu5

Espero que les sirva!
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: visior en Enero 19, 2016, 03:24:07 AM
Muy buen aporte! Muchas gracias!!! Esta tarde lo pruebo y vuelvo a comentar. Pero tiene muy buena pinta, sobretodo para footprinting.
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: h4ckzu5 en Enero 19, 2016, 05:58:00 AM
Se te olvido poner que necesitas los token de twitter y mis saludos
by h4ckzu5
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: Snifer en Enero 19, 2016, 10:44:13 AM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
Se te olvido poner que necesitas los token de twitter y mis saludos
by h4ckzu5

Creo que el que quiera usar le tocara investigar y no solo consumir ;).

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: ezephp en Enero 19, 2016, 11:04:40 AM
la estoy intentando usar, y en la mayoria de los casos que quiero averiguar la localizacion, tira este error:

[ get_details() Error ]
   Error message:     [{'message': 'Internal error', 'code': 131}]

Me supongo que la api de face le esta tirando un internal error al script verdad?.

Intente varias veces el 80% tira ese error y el 20% no encontro ninguna localizacion.

En que se basa para obtener la localizacion?, el usuario debio publicar un twitter con gps prendido?

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: ANTRAX en Enero 19, 2016, 11:31:51 AM
@h4ckzu5 (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=52973), hecho! gracias bro!!
@ezephp (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=27755), al error te lo tira siempre con los mismos usuarios o con diferentes?

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: Hexs en Enero 19, 2016, 11:37:42 AM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
Se te olvido poner que necesitas los token de twitter y mis saludos
by h4ckzu5

Si lees el readme podras notar que el autor indica que hace faltan 4 variables y la documentacion para poder obtenerlas.

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: ezephp en Enero 19, 2016, 11:46:46 AM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
@h4ckzu5 (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=52973), hecho! gracias bro!!
@ezephp (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=27755), al error te lo tira siempre con los mismos usuarios o con diferentes?


Con diferentes, habre probado unos 3 o 4 usuarios, de los cuales si insisto, insisto, insisto, en algun momento deja de tirar ese error y tira el resultado ( el cual nunca encuentra la localizacion), uno de esos usuarios que probe, fue el del ejemplo que mostras en el primer post.
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: sercheo_87 en Enero 20, 2016, 12:41:37 AM
Q buen script, funciono a la primera :)
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: FEROZ123 en Enero 23, 2016, 03:21:22 PM
Gracias por el aporte ante todo.

Alguno le aparece la geolocalizacion nunca muestra resultado.

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: blackdrake en Enero 24, 2016, 06:15:16 PM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
Gracias por el aporte ante todo.

Alguno le aparece la geolocalizacion nunca muestra resultado.

A mi me funcionó y por lo que parece a @sercheo_87 (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=53030) también.

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: SoterRamirez en Marzo 07, 2016, 12:10:03 AM
Muy buen aporte!! Gracias por la info del script
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: Yavi en Marzo 07, 2016, 11:13:06 AM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
Se te olvido poner que necesitas los token de twitter y mis saludos
by h4ckzu5

Creo que el que quiera usar le tocara investigar y no solo consumir ;).


Creo que el compañero @h4ckzu5 (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=52973) quiso decir otra cosa @Snifer (https://underc0de.org/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=2903) .
Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: blacksucces en Marzo 07, 2016, 11:22:42 AM
Muy bueno me pondré al tema en cuanto pueda gracias @antrax

Enviado desde mi SM-N9005 mediante Tapatalk

Título: Re:Geolocalizar gente por Twitter
Publicado por: Gn0m3 en Marzo 07, 2016, 02:59:56 PM
Les dejo el link de la ultima versión oficial:


Y la web del autor:


