
Foros Generales => Dudas y pedidos generales => Mensaje iniciado por: zakt en Noviembre 21, 2015, 02:46:48 PM

Título: Pequeña dificultad con nmap en windows 7
Publicado por: zakt en Noviembre 21, 2015, 02:46:48 PM
Que tal  a todos los de la comunidad, les agradecería si me pueden colaborara ya que presento una pequeña falla con
nmap; no me deja   realizar un escaneo  me sale el siguiente error

Starting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-21 12:32 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica

Error in OpenService

NSE: Loaded 253 scripts for scanning.

NSE: Script Pre-scanning.

Initiating NSE at 12:32

NSE: [mrinfo] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [mtrace] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-eigrp-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-igmp-discovery] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [knx-gateway-discover] Not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-pim-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [llmnr-resolve] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-ping] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [lltd-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Initiating NSE at 12:32

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Pre-scan script results:

| targets-asn:

|_  targets-asn.asn is a mandatory parameter

Initiating Ping Scan at 12:32

Only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on Windows. Use

the --unprivileged option for this scan.


si realizo un escaner sencillo como algo a si nmap -T4 -A -v xx.xx.xxx.xxx  me brinda este erro

Starting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-21 12:43 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica

Error in OpenService

NSE: Loaded 132 scripts for scanning.

NSE: Script Pre-scanning.

Initiating NSE at 12:43

Completed NSE at 12:43, 0.00s elapsed

Initiating NSE at 12:43

Completed NSE at 12:43, 0.00s elapsed

Initiating Ping Scan at 12:43

Only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on Windows. Use

the --unprivileged option for this scan.


no medeja realizar ningun analizis e incluso en cmd aroja lo siguiente

Starting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-21 12:41 Hora est. PacÝfico,
Error in OpenService
Only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on Windows. Use
the --unprivileged option for this scan.

Les agradezco, si me pueden colaborar
:o :o
Título: Re:Pequeña dificultad con nmap en windows 7
Publicado por: .:UND3R:. en Noviembre 21, 2015, 07:13:42 PM
Intentaste ejecutarlo con permisos de administrador?

Título: Re:Pequeña dificultad con nmap en windows 7
Publicado por: Cl0udswX en Noviembre 21, 2015, 11:48:18 PM

Saludos hermano.

Lo primero es como dice UNDER un problema de privilegios:

CitarStarting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-21 12:32 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica

Error in OpenService

NSE: Loaded 253 scripts for scanning.

NSE: Script Pre-scanning.

Initiating NSE at 12:32

NSE: [mrinfo] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [mtrace] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-eigrp-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-igmp-discovery] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [knx-gateway-discover] Not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-pim-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [llmnr-resolve] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-ping] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [lltd-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Initiating NSE at 12:32

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Pre-scan script results:

| targets-asn:

|_  targets-asn.asn is a mandatory parameter

Initiating Ping Scan at 12:32

Only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on Windows. Use

the --unprivileged option for this scan.


Problemas con los privilegios...

Título: Re:Pequeña dificultad con nmap en windows 7
Publicado por: zakt en Noviembre 22, 2015, 01:37:19 PM
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta

Saludos hermano.

Lo primero es como dice UNDER un problema de privilegios:

CitarStarting Nmap 7.00 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-21 12:32 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica

Error in OpenService

NSE: Loaded 253 scripts for scanning.

NSE: Script Pre-scanning.

Initiating NSE at 12:32

NSE: [mrinfo] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [mtrace] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-eigrp-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-igmp-discovery] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [knx-gateway-discover] Not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-pim-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [llmnr-resolve] not running due to lack of privileges.

NSE: [broadcast-ping] not running for lack of privileges.

NSE: [lltd-discovery] not running for lack of privileges.

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Initiating NSE at 12:32

Completed NSE at 12:32, 0.00s elapsed

Pre-scan script results:

| targets-asn:

|_  targets-asn.asn is a mandatory parameter

Initiating Ping Scan at 12:32

Only ethernet devices can be used for raw scans on Windows. Use

the --unprivileged option for this scan.


Problemas con los privilegios...

que tal hermano eso fue lo que primero realize brindarle los privilegios gracias por sus respuestas pero en fin eso fue lo primero que realice pero nada alguna sugerencia mas todas son recividas sin ningun problema