[Perl Tk] MD5 Crack Tool

Iniciado por BigBear, Agosto 19, 2011, 11:28:03 PM

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Agosto 19, 2011, 11:28:03 PM Ultima modificación: Marzo 14, 2015, 10:15:07 AM por Expermicid
Este es un simple crackeador de hashes MD5 en su nueva version grafica

Una imagen

El codigo es

Código: perl

#MD5 Crack T00l (C) Doddy Hackman 2011

use Tk;
use Tk::FileSelect;
use Tk::PNG;
use LWP::UserAgent;

if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
use Win32::Console;

my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$nave->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/");

my $logo = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan");
$logo->title("MD5 Crack T00l");

my $in = $logo->Photo(-file=>"total.png",-format=>"PNG");

$logo->Button(-text=>"Crack HAsh",-width=>20,-command=>\&single,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>70);
$logo->Button(-text=>"Crack Wordlist",-width=>20,-command=>\&word,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>210);


sub abot {
msg("About","Coded By Doddy H");

sub chali {exit(1);}

sub single {

my $sin = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black");
$sin->title("MD5 Crack T00l (C) Doddy Hackman 2011");

$sin->Label(-text=>"MD5 : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>30,-y=>20);
my $hash = $sin->Entry(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>24,-x=>82);
$sin->Label(-text=>"Result : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>290,-y=>20);
my $result = $sin->Entry(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>24,-x=>350);

sub cracksingle {
my $target = $hash->get();
chomp $target;

if (ver_length($target)) {

$re = crackit($target);

if ($re ne "false01") {
$result->configure (-text =>$re);
} else {
$result->configure (-text =>"Not Found");
} else {
msg("MD5 Crack T00l","Hash incorrect");

sub word {

my $more = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan");
$more->title("MD5 Crack T00l (C) Doddy Hackman 2011");

$more->Label(-text=>"File : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>10,-x=>10);
my $filex = $more->Entry(-width=>40,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>13,-x=>50);

my $hashes = $more->Listbox(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>100,-x=>20);

my $resultados = $more->Listbox(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>100,-x=>230);

sub bro {
$browse = $more->FileSelect(-directory => "/");
my $file = $browse->Show;
$filex->configure (-text =>$file);

sub crackmulti {


my $archivo = $filex->get();

@leer = <FILE>;
close FILE;

chomp @leer;

my @leera = repes(@leer);

for my $poco(@leera) {
chomp $poco;
if (ver_length($poco)) {
$re = crackit($poco);
if ($re ne "false01") {
} else {
$resultados->insert("end","Not Found");
sub repes {
foreach $test(@_) {
push @limpio,$test unless $repe{$test}++;
return @limpio;

sub crackit {

my %hash = (
'http://passcracking.com/' => {
'tipo'  => 'post',
'variables'=>'{"datafromuser" => $_[0], "submit" => "DoIT"}',
'regex'=>'<\/td><td>md5 Database<\/td><td>$_[0]<\/td><td bgcolor=#FF0000>(.*)<\/td><td>',
'http://md5.hashcracking.com/search.php?md5=' =>  {
'tipo' => 'get',
'regex' => 'Cleartext of $_[0] is (.*)',
'http://www.bigtrapeze.com/md5/' =>  {
'tipo' => 'post',
'variables'=>'{"query" => $_[0], "submit" => " Crack "}',
'regex' => 'The hash <strong>$_[0]<\/strong> has been deciphered to: <strong>(.+)<\/strong>',
'http://opencrack.hashkiller.com/' =>  {
'tipo' => 'post',
'variables'=>'{"oc_check_md5" => $_[0], "submit" => "Search MD5"}',
'regex' => qq(<\/div><div class="result">$_[0]:(.+)<br\/>),
'http://www.hashchecker.com/index.php?_sls=search_hash' =>  {
'tipo' => 'post',
'variables'=>'{"search_field" => $_[0], "Submit" => "search"}',
'regex' => '<td><li>Your md5 hash is :<br><li>$_[0] is <b>(.*)<\/b> used charl',
'http://victorov.su/md5/?md5e=&md5d=' =>  {
'tipo' => 'get',
'regex' => qq(MD5 ðàñøèôðîâàí: <b>(.*)<\/b><br><form action=\"\">),

for my $data(keys %hash) {
$logo->update; #
if ($hash{$data}{tipo} eq "get") {
$code = toma($data.$_[0]);
if ($code=~/$hash{$data}{regex}/ig) {
return $1;
} else {
$code = tomar($data,$hash{$data}{variables});
if ($code=~/$hash{$data}{regex}/ig) {
return $1;
return "false01";

sub msg {
my $color_fondo = "black"; #white
my $color_letra = "cyan"; #black
my ($titulo,$contenido) = @_;
my $mensaje = MainWindow->new(-background=>$color_fondo,-foreground=>$color_letra);$mensaje->title($titulo);

sub ver_length {
return true if length($_[0]) == 32;

sub toma {
return $nave->get($_[0])->content;

sub savefile {
open (SAVE,">>logs/".$_[0]);
print SAVE $_[1]."\n";
close SAVE;

sub tomar {
my ($web,$var) = @_;
return $nave->post($web,[%{$var}])->content;

# ¿ The End ?

Para bajar el script con el logo lo pueden hacer de aca

Código: text
