[Perl Tk] Mysql Manager

Iniciado por BigBear, Agosto 19, 2011, 11:30:07 PM

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Agosto 19, 2011, 11:30:07 PM Ultima modificación: Marzo 14, 2015, 10:16:10 AM por Expermicid
Esta es la nueva version grafica de este simple cliente mysql

Una imagen seria

Código: perl

#Mysql Manager (C) Doddy Hackman 2011
#ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/DBI.ppd
#ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/DBD-mysql.ppd

use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;
use Tk::PNG;
use DBI;

if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
use Win32::Console;

my $nave = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange");

$nave->title("Mysql Manager");

$nave->Label(-text=>"Host : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>10,-y=>10);
my $host = $nave->Entry(-width=>22,-text=>"localhost",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>60,-y=>13);

$nave->Label(-text=>"User : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>10,-y=>40);
my $user = $nave->Entry(-width=>22,-text=>"root",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>60,-y=>43);

$nave->Label(-text=>"Pass : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>10,-y=>70);
my $pass = $nave->Entry(-width=>22,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>60,-y=>73);



sub now {

my $host = $host->get;
my $user = $user->get;
my $pass = $pass->get;

$info = "dbi:mysql::".$host.":3306";

if (my $enter = DBI->connect($info,$user,$pass,{PrintError=>0})) {


my $man = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange");
$man->title("Mysql Manager (C) Doddy Hackman 2011");
my $f = $man->Photo(-file=>"foto.png",-format=>"PNG");
$man->Label(-text=>"Query : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>73,-y=>230);
my $ac = $man->Entry(-width=>60,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>135,-y=>233);
my $out = $man->ROText(-width=>74,-height=>15,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"orange")->place(-x=>60,-y=>293);

sub tes {
my $ac = $ac->get;
$re = $enter->prepare($ac);
my $total = $re->rows();

my @columnas = @{$re->{NAME}};

if ($total eq "-1") {
$out->insert("end","\n[-] Query Error\n");
} else {
$out->insert("end","\n[+] Result of the query\n");
if ($total eq 0) {
$out->insert("end","\n[+] Not rows returned\n\n");
} else {
$out->insert("end","\n[+] Rows returned : ".$total."\n\n");
for(@columnas) {
while (@row = $re->fetchrow_array) {
for(@row) {
} else {
msg("Mysql Manager","Error in the connection");

sub msg {

my $color_fondo = "black"; #white
my $color_letra = "orange"; #black

my ($titulo,$contenido) = @_;

my $mensaje = MainWindow->new(-background=>$color_fondo,-foreground=>$color_letra);



# ¿ The End ?

Para bajar el script con el logo lo pueden hacer de aca

Código: text
