[SOLUCIONADO] Problemas con proxychains

Iniciado por Rocky91, Junio 16, 2013, 06:22:41 PM

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Junio 16, 2013, 06:22:41 PM Ultima modificación: Agosto 30, 2014, 09:25:30 AM por Expermicid
Hola a todos.

Bueno mi problema es que al intentar acceder al navegador a traves de una cadena de proxys no puedo, os dejo lo que e dice.



Código: text
# proxychains.conf  VER 3.1
#        HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 tunneling proxifier with DNS.

# The option below identifies how the ProxyList is treated.
# only one option should be uncommented at time,
# otherwise the last appearing option will be accepted
# Dynamic - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# at least one proxy must be online to play in chain
# (dead proxies are skipped)
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Strict - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# all proxies must be online to play in chain
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Random - Each connection will be done via random proxy
# (or proxy chain, see  chain_len) from the list.
# this option is good to test your IDS :)

# Make sense only if random_chain
#chain_len = 2

# Quiet mode (no output from library)

# Proxy DNS requests - no leak for DNS data
# Some timeouts in milliseconds
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000

# ProxyList format
#       type  host  port [user pass]
#       (values separated by 'tab' or 'blank')
#        Examples:
#               socks5   1080    lamer   secret
#               http    8080    justu   hidden
#               socks4    1080
#               http   8080   
#       proxy types: http, socks4, socks5
#        ( auth types supported: "basic"-http  "user/pass"-socks )
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
socks4 9050
socks4  1080

Error que me dá

Código: text
root@bt:~# proxychains google-chrome
ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
|DNS-request| ::1
|DNS-response|: ::1 is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
[10484:10514:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(624)] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name 'org.chromium.Mtpd': no such name
[10484:10514:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(624)] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name 'org.chromium.Mtpd': no such name
|DNS-request| clients4.google.com
|DNS-request| translate.googleapis.com
|DNS-response|: clients4.google.com is not exist
|DNS-response|: translate.googleapis.com is not exist
[10484:10484:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(529)] Failed to call method: org.chromium.Mtpd.EnumerateStorages: object_path= /org/chromium/Mtpd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.Mtpd was not provided by any .service files
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| tnqhmsvxza
|DNS-request| kupsdqwpfn
|DNS-request| omepajdrvj
|DNS-response|: tnqhmsvxza is not exist
|DNS-response|: kupsdqwpfn is not exist
|DNS-response|: omepajdrvj is not exist
|DNS-request| ssl.gstatic.com
|DNS-response|: ssl.gstatic.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist

El problema esta en tu archivo de configuración, tienes que comentar la linea donde dice 'socks4 9050' para que quede asi:

Código: text

# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
#socks4 9050
socks4  1080
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
In my mind where before there was order, today there is only chaØs!

No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
El problema esta en tu archivo de configuración, tienes que comentar la linea donde dice 'socks4 9050' para que quede asi:

Código: text

# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
#socks4 9050
socks4  1080

Incluso comentándola me sigue saliendo el mismo error.

Si te sale el mismo error "timeout" entonces cambia de proxy

No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
In my mind where before there was order, today there is only chaØs!

Pero si te fijas es como si namas que le hiciera caso al

Por eso tienes que comentar esa linea, vuelve a pegar el error que te da porque dudo que sea exactamente el mismo.
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
In my mind where before there was order, today there is only chaØs!

Junio 17, 2013, 06:29:02 PM #6 Ultima modificación: Junio 17, 2013, 06:32:45 PM por Rocky91
Código: text
# proxychains.conf  VER 3.1
#        HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 tunneling proxifier with DNS.

# The option below identifies how the ProxyList is treated.
# only one option should be uncommented at time,
# otherwise the last appearing option will be accepted
# Dynamic - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# at least one proxy must be online to play in chain
# (dead proxies are skipped)
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Strict - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# all proxies must be online to play in chain
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Random - Each connection will be done via random proxy
# (or proxy chain, see  chain_len) from the list.
# this option is good to test your IDS :)

# Make sense only if random_chain
#chain_len = 2

# Quiet mode (no output from library)

# Proxy DNS requests - no leak for DNS data
# Some timeouts in milliseconds
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000

# ProxyList format
#       type  host  port [user pass]
#       (values separated by 'tab' or 'blank')
#        Examples:
#               socks5   1080    lamer   secret
#               http    8080    justu   hidden
#               socks4    1080
#               http   8080   
#       proxy types: http, socks4, socks5
#        ( auth types supported: "basic"-http  "user/pass"-socks )
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
#socks4 9050
http   80

Y el error

Código: text
root@bt:~# proxychains firefox
ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
|DNS-request| www.offensive-security.com
|DNS-request| www.backtrack-linux.org
|DNS-response|: www.backtrack-linux.org is not exist
|DNS-response|: www.offensive-security.com is not exist
|DNS-request| localhost
|DNS-response|: localhost is not exist
Usage:program_name [address][:port]|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| localhost
|DNS-response|: localhost is not exist
Usage:program_name [address][:port]|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| secure.informaction.com
|DNS-response|: secure.informaction.com is not exist
|DNS-request| secure.informaction.com
|DNS-response|: secure.informaction.com is not exist

El caso esque hago los mismos paso en una distro de debian y sale to bien, no se por que en backtack no.

hmm esta raro, la verdad nose que podria ser  ??? yo en backtrack lo use con un socks5 y me funciono bien =S, esperemos las respuestas de los demas y si de plano no logras hacerlo funcionar te recomendaria usar openvpn.

No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
In my mind where before there was order, today there is only chaØs!

Junio 17, 2013, 07:21:01 PM #8 Ultima modificación: Junio 17, 2013, 07:23:14 PM por Rocky91
No tienes permitido ver los links. Registrarse o Entrar a mi cuenta
hmm esta raro, la verdad nose que podria ser  ??? yo en backtrack lo use con un socks5 y me funciono bien =S, esperemos las respuestas de los demas y si de plano no logras hacerlo funcionar te recomendaria usar openvpn.


Bueno necesita algo que me creara una cadena de proxys.

Mira me para lo mismo que a este.