[SOLUCIONADO] Hacking en john the ripper

Iniciado por Fernando1234, Junio 06, 2022, 01:32:45 PM

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Junio 06, 2022, 01:32:45 PM Ultima modificación: Junio 09, 2022, 03:42:17 PM por AXCESS
Hi, do you know if in john the ripper is possible to store all guesses and not just cracked ones?



just output candidate passwords
When used with a cracking mode, except for "single crack", makes John output the candidate passwords it generates to stdout instead of actually trying them against password hashes; no password files may be specified when this option is used. If a LENGTH is given, John assumes that to be the significant password length and only produces passwords up to that length.

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~ DtxdF
PGP :: <D82F366940155CB043147178C4E075FC4403BDDC>

~ DtxdF

My question is if this candidate passwords are stored in some file where i can see it.
For example, cracking passwords are saved in john.pot


Yes, of course. As I said, the --stdout option is to do that. Try it and you will see.

~ DtxdF
PGP :: <D82F366940155CB043147178C4E075FC4403BDDC>

~ DtxdF