[Source] Wargame2 [Batch]

Iniciado por Bloc, Mayo 05, 2013, 06:54:36 PM

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Mayo 05, 2013, 06:54:36 PM Ultima modificación: Febrero 22, 2015, 09:39:29 PM por Expermicid
Buenas Underc0de les dejo este source

Código: text
@echo off
title - Batch WarGame v 2 -
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
:: WarGame Batch v2
:: By SmartGenius & Germaniac

Call :Pre_Level "%~0"
Call :Intro + 14 1
Call :LoadKeyboard
Call :NickName
Call :Quotes

set "pass="
set /a "level=1,lives=3"
If Not Defined Nick (Set "Nick=Guest_%Random:~-2%")
echo. Welcome %Nick%
echo. This is a WarGame in Batch and has
echo. 10 levels to complete, good luck.
set /p <nul= Press any key to start WarGame...
Call :Get_Quote

call :Check
<nul more/c
Echo. %Random_Quote%
echo.Level %level%
<nul set /p "=Lives: "
for /l %%a in (1,1,%lives%) do <nul set /p "="
set /p <nul=Password:!pass!
call :Keyboard pass
if %errorlevel% equ 8 if defined pass set "pass=!pass:~,-1!"
if %errorlevel% neq 13 goto :WarGame
if not defined pass goto :WarGame
set "return=Lost"
call :level_%level% 2>nul
call :%return%
set "pass="
if %level% gtr 9 goto :Winner
Call :Get_Quote
goto :WarGame


if %lives% leq 0 goto :GameOver
if %level% leq 0 goto :GameOver
if %level% gtr 9 goto :GameOver
for /l %%a in (1,1,%level%) do if "%%a" neq "%level%" if not defined pass[%%a] goto :GameOver
Goto :Eof

call :Check
set "pass[%level%]=%pass%"
set /a "level+=1,lives=%lives%"
Goto :Eof

set /a "lives-=1"
Goto :Eof

<nul more/c
echo. Congratulations %Nick%
echo. You have completed this WarGame.
set /p <nul= Press any key to exit...
For /l %%l in (1,1,9) do (Echo. Level %%l = !pass[%%l]!>>Wargame_%Nick%.txt)
goto :Exit

echo.Game over
goto :Exit


Set "cmdcmdline="
Set "cmdcndline=cmd /c ""%~1" ""
For /f "tokens=3*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v RegisteredOwner^|Find "REG_SZ"') do (
If Not "SmartGenius"=="%%a%%b" (msg * SmartGenius must be the Registered Owner of this PC to Run this WARGAME&Exit /b 1))
If "!cmdcmdline!"=="!cmdcndline!" (Goto :Eof)
msg * This WARGAME not run from console


Call :Crypt.A Pass
If "!Pass!"=="EXoZkbXmLXrjy7" (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof

Set /a "Is_Num=%pass%*1"
If Not "%Is_Num%"=="%pass%" (Goto :Eof)
Set /a "Var1=(%pass:~-1%*0x0B)+((%pass:~-4,1% %% %pass:~-1%)*0157)+((0+(~-9))*(02127*(0-(~0))))+((%pass:~0,1%|%pass:~-2,1%%pass:~-2,1%)+0x0A)"
if "%pass%"=="!Var1!" (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


set "var=%pass%"
set /a "n=(%var:~-2%^%var:~-4,2%)-2"
for %%a in (g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) do (
Set /a n+=1
call set var=%%var:%%a=!n!%%)
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=%var:~8,2%" %%a in ("%var%") do (
set /a "x=(%%b-%%a)|0x%var:~8,2%"
if "!x!"=="3010815" (set "return=Won"))
Goto :Eof


set "string=%pass%"
set "output="
set "values="
set "value.old=9"
set "chars=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "
set "char=!string:~,1!"
for /l %%a in (0 1 62) do if "!char!" equ "!chars:~%%a,1!" (
set /a "position=%%a+1"
if !position! gtr 62 set /a "position-=63"
if !position! leq 9 set "position=0!position!"
set "values=!position!!values!")
set "string=!string:~1!"
if defined string goto :encoder.b
if not defined values Goto :Eof
set "value=%values:~,1%%values:~-1%"
if "%value:~,1%"=="0" set "value=%value:~1%"
set /a "value.new=(value^value.old)%%63"
set "output=%output%!chars:~%value.new%,1!"
set /a "value.old=value.new+value"
set "values=%values:~1,-1%"
if defined values goto :encoder.c
if "!output!"=="pb5VpEE8kASVXajQaabFdpDE" (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


set "count=0"
set "numbers="
for /l %%a in (0 1 9) do for /l %%b in (0 1 9) do if "!pass:~%%a,1!" equ "%%b" (set "numbers=!numbers!%%a"
set /a "count=~count+(12%%b<<3)")
set /a "count=count^numbers"
for /l %%a in (0 1 9) do set "pass=!pass:%%a=!"
for /l %%a in (0 1 25) do (set /a "letter.!letters:~%%a,1!=count<<%%a"
call call set "pass=%%%%pass:!letters:~%%a,1!=%%letter.!letters:~%%a,1!%%%%%%")
if "!pass!"=="2422210567569408151388167392" (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


set "count=0"
set "numbers="
for /l %%a in (0 1 9) do for /l %%b in (0 1 9) do if "!pass:~%%a,1!" equ "%%b" (set "numbers=!numbers!%%a"
set /a "count=~count+(12%%b<<3)")
set /a "count=count^numbers"
for /l %%a in (0 1 9) do set "pass=!pass:%%a=!"
for /l %%a in (0 1 25) do (set /a "letter.!letters:~%%a,1!=count<<%%a"
call call set "pass=%%%%pass:!letters:~%%a,1!=%%letter.!letters:~%%a,1!%%%%%%")
if "!pass!"=="3444736110231552538246889472881852416" (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof

Call :StrLen Pass
If %Pass.Len% LEQ 6 (Goto :Eof)
For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=%Pass:~5,1%" %%c in ("%Pass%") do (
Set /a "Var=~((~%%e|%%c&%%d)<<%Pass.Len%)"
If "!Var!"=="37650431" set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


For %%a in (0,5,10) do (
Set /a "NV+=1"
Set "P_!NV!=!Pass:~%%a,%Pass:~-5,1%!"
For /l %%b in (1,1,9) do (
If Defined P_%%b (
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:S=5!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:M=0!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:A=4!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:R=0!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:T=7!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:G=6!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:E=3!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:N=0!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:I=1!
Set "P_%%b=!P_%%b:U=0!
For /l %%c in (0,1,3) do (
For /l %%d in (0,1,9) do (
If "!P_%%b:~%%c,1!"=="%%d" (Set P_N=!P_N!%%d)
Set /A "N_P+=1"
Set /a "P_FN=!P_N!<<!N_P!"
If Not "36482640"=="!P_FN!" (Goto :Eof) else (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


For /f "tokens=1-5* delims=1,2,3,4,5" %%n in ("%Pass%") Do (
Set "L9=%%n%%o%%p%%q%%r%%s
For %%a in (%%n,%%o,%%p,%%q,%%r,%%s) do (
Set "Pass=!Pass:%%a=!"
Set "N0=!Pass!")
Call :LTN L9
If not ["%N3%%N0%"]==["2421317231814343"] (Goto :Eof) else (set "return=Won")
Goto :Eof


Set "LTN=qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
Set /a "Stn=0"
If Not Defined %1 Goto :Eof
Set "L1=!%1:~0,1!"
Set "L2=!LTN:~%Stn%,1!
If "%L2%"=="" Goto :LTN
If "%L1%"=="%L2%" (
Set "N2=!%1:%L1%=%Stn%!"
Set "N3=%N3%%Stn%
Set "%1=!%1:%L2%=!")
Set /a "STN+=1"
Goto :LTN.B


set /a "cols=%2,lines=%3"
for /l %%a in (0,1,8) do (
mode con:cols=!cols! lines=!lines!
set /a "cols%1=4,lines%1=2")
Goto :Eof

call :Intro - 50 19

set "%1.str=!%1!"
set "%1.len=0"
if not defined %1.str goto:eof
set /a "%1.len+=1"
set "%1.str=!%1.str:~1!"


keyboard >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% equ 9009 call :LoadKeyboard
if %errorlevel% equ 27 goto :Exit
if defined key[%errorlevel%] set "%1=!%1!!key[%errorlevel%]!"
if not defined %1 Goto :Eof
if not "!%1:HHPPKMKMBA=!"=="!%1!" (
set "%1=!%1:HHPPKMKMBA=!"
Call :Unknown
Goto :Eof)
if not "!%1:Credits=!"=="!%1!" (
set "%1=!%1:Credits=!"
Call :Credits
Goto :Eof)
Goto :Eof


if not exist "!SystemRoot!\system32\debug.exe" (
Call :NewReply
) else (
if not exist keyboard.exe ((
echo.more +1 keyboard.bat^|debug^&exit
echo.n keyboard.dat
echo.e 0000 4D 5A 2E 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 10 FF FF F0 FF
echo.e 0010 FE FF 00 00 00 01 F0 FF 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
echo.e 0020 B4 08 CD 21 3C 00 75 02 CD 21 B4 4C CD 21
start "" /min /w keyboard.bat
move /y keyboard.dat keyboard.exe
del /f /q /a keyboard.bat 2>nul)
if not exist keyboard.exe (
echo.Could not create the file Keyboard.exe
echo.necessary for running this WarGame.
echo.Verifies that the file exists:
goto :Exit))
set "keys= *+,-.:;_¤¥0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set "keysv=32,42,43,44,45,46,58,59,95,164,165"
set "keysc=0"
for %%a in ("48,1,57","65,1,90","97,1,122") do for /l %%b in (%%~a) do set "keysv=!keysv!,%%b"
for %%a in (%keysv%) do (
call set "key[%%a]=%%keys:~!keysc!,1%%"
set /a "keysc+=1")
Goto :Eof

Echo.Const W=^2>t.vbs&Echo.Set o=WScript.StdOut>>t.vbs
For %%b In (
) Do >>t.vbs (
Echo.For b=1To 69Step 2:o.Write Chr(Clng("&H"^&Mid(%%b,b,W^)^)^):Next)
For %%b In (
) Do >>t.vbs (
Echo.For b=1To 61Step 2:o.Write Chr(Clng("&H"^&Mid(%%b,b,W^)^)^):Next)
Cscript /Nologo t.vbs > "reply.co_"
Del /f /q /a t.vbs >nul 2>&1
Expand -r "reply.co_" >nul
Del /f /q /a "reply.co_" >nul 2>&1
Ren Reply.com Keyboard.com >nul 2>&1
Del /f /q /a "reply.com" >nul 2>&1
Goto :Eof


If not defined %1 Goto:Eof
Set "c="
Set "d=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz =/\()[]{}_-.:,;* @#"
Set "chr=!%1:~,1!"
For /l %%l in (0 1 80) do if "!chr!" equ "!d:~%%l,1!" (
  set /a "x=%%l^5"
  call set "c=!c!%%d:~!x!,1%%"
Set "%1=!%1:~1!"
If defined %1 goto:Crypt.B
Set "%1=!c!"
Goto :Eof


set "cursor=_"
set "nick="
set "l[0]= ±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[1]= ±°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[2]= ±°°°°°°°°± Batch WarGame v 2 ±°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[3]= ±°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[4]= ±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[5]= ±°°°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°°°±"
set "l[6]= ±°°°°± Enter Your NickName:      ±°°°°±"
set "l[7]= ±°°°°± _                         ±°°°°±"
set "l[8]= ±°°°°±                           ±°°°°±"
set "l[9]= ±°°°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°°°±"
set "l[10]= ±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±"
set "l[11]= ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±"
call :PopUp "11,-1,0"

if defined nick set "nick=%nick:~,24%"
set "textbox=%nick%%cursor%"
call :StrLen textbox
for /l %%a in (%textbox.len%,1,24) do set "textbox=!textbox! "
set "l[7]= ±°°°°± !textbox! ±°°°°±"
for /l %%a in (0,1,11) do echo.!l[%%a]!
call :Keyboard nick
if %errorlevel% equ 8 if defined nick set "nick=%nick:~,-1%"
if %errorlevel% neq 13 goto :NickName_Input
call :PopUp "0,1,11"
Goto :Eof

for /l %%a in (%~1) do (
ping -n 0 -w 0 localhost>nul
for /l %%b in (%%a,1,11) do echo.!l[%%b]!)
Goto :Eof



Set LimX=43
Set LimY=14
Set IniX=0
Set IniY=0
Set MovX=0
Set MovY=0
Set Points=0
Set "Bound=Û"
Set "Space= "
Set "Player="
Set "Point=*"
Set "Exit=°"
Set "Exit_Game=False"

For /l %%a in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do (
For /l %%b in (%IniY%,1,%LimY%) do (
Set X%%aY%%b=%Space%))
Call :Game_Level
Set "X13Y3=%Player%"
Set Curpos=X13Y3
Call :Graphic
Goto :Game_Move

For /l %%d in (%IniX%,1,%LimY%) do (
Set Lin_%%d=
For /l %%e in (%IniX%,1,%LimX%) do Set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%%d!!X%%eY%%d!)
For /l %%f in (0,1,%LimY%) do (Echo. !Lin_%%f!)
Goto :Eof

Call :Keyboard CursorPad
If "%Exit_Game%"=="True" Goto :Eof
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="77" (call :Mov "X" "+")
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="75" (call :Mov "X" "-")
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="80" (call :Mov "Y" "+")
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="72" (call :Mov "Y" "-")
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="88" (Goto :Win)
If "%ErrorLevel%"=="120" (Goto :Win)
Goto :Game_Move

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%CurPos%") do (Set "MovX=%%p"&Set "MovY=%%q")
if "!Mov%~1!"=="!Lim%~1!" Goto :Eof
Set /a Mov%~1%~2=1
Set "NMovY=!X%MovX%Y%MovY%!"
If Defined S_X%MovX%Y%MovY% (Set "S_X%MovX%Y%MovY%="&Set /a Points+=10)
If "!NMovY!"=="%Bound%" (Goto :Eof)
If "!NMovY!"=="%Exit%" (Goto :Win)
If "!NMovY!"=="%Point%" (Set /a Points+=5)
Set "X%MovX%Y%MovY%=%Player%"
Set "%CurPos%=%Space%"
Set "CurPos=X%MovX%Y%MovY%"
Call :Graphic
Goto :Eof

If %Points% GEQ 200 (Echo. Excelent %Nick%, You Get 3 Extra Lives&Set /a Lives+=3)
If %Points% GEQ 150 (If %Points% LEQ 195 (Echo. Muy Bien %Nick%, You Get 2 Extra Lives&Set /a Lives+=2))
If %Points% GEQ 100 (If %Points% LEQ 145 (Echo. Lo Hiciste %Nick%, You Get 1 Extra Live&Set /a Lives+=1))
If %Points% LSS 100 (Echo. Level Completed %Nick%, No Lives Won)
Echo. You Get %Points% Points
Echo. Press any key...
Set "Exit_Game=True"
Goto :Eof

For %%a in (X6Y9,X7Y5,X8Y1,X8Y5,X8Y13,X9Y13,X12Y7,X17Y5,X17Y9,X17Y11,X19Y11,X22Y8,X26Y6,X28Y1,X37Y9,X40Y5,X42Y13) do (Set %%a=%Point%)
For %%a in (X0Y0,X0Y1,X0Y2,X0Y3,X0Y4,X0Y5,X0Y6,X0Y7,X0Y8,X0Y9,X0Y10,X0Y11,X0Y12,X1Y0,X1Y2,X1Y7,X1Y9,X1Y12,X2Y0,X2Y2,X2Y4,X2Y7,X2Y12,X3Y0,X3Y2,X3Y4,X3Y6,X3Y7,X3Y9,X3Y10,X3Y12,X4Y0,X4Y2,X4Y4,X4Y10,X4Y12,X4Y13,X4Y14,X5Y0,X5Y4,X5Y8,X5Y10,X5Y14,X6Y0,X6Y2,X6Y4,X6Y5,X6Y6,X6Y10,X6Y14,X7Y0,X7Y2,X7Y6,X7Y8,X7Y9,X7Y10,X7Y11,X7Y12,X7Y14,X8Y0,X8Y2,X8Y6,X8Y12,X8Y14,X9Y0,X9Y1,X9Y2,X9Y3,X9Y4,X9Y5,X9Y6,X9Y7,X9Y8,X9Y9,X9Y10,X9Y12,X9Y14,X10Y0,X10Y1,X10Y8,X10Y12,X10Y13,X10Y14,X11Y1,X11Y3,X11Y4,X11Y6,X11Y8,X11Y12,X12Y1,X12Y3,X12Y4,X12Y6,X12Y8,X12Y10,X12Y12,X13Y1,X13Y4,X13Y6,X13Y7,X13Y8,X13Y10,X13Y12,X13Y13,X13Y14,X14Y1,X14Y2,X14Y3,X14Y4,X14Y8,X14Y10,X14Y14,X15Y2,X15Y10,X15Y12,X15Y14,X16Y2,X16Y4,X16Y5,X16Y6,X16Y7,X16Y10,X16Y11,X16Y12,X16Y14,X17Y2,X17Y4,X17Y6,X17Y10,X17Y14,X18Y0,X18Y1,X18Y2,X18Y4,X18Y6,X18Y7,X18Y8,X18Y9,X18Y10,X18Y11,X18Y12,X18Y13,X18Y14,X19Y0,X19Y4,X19Y7,X19Y12,X19Y14,X20Y0,X20Y4,X20Y7,X20Y10,X20Y11,X20Y12,X20Y14,X21Y0,X21Y2,X21Y3,X21Y4,X21Y5,X21Y7,X21Y8,X21Y12,X21Y14,X22Y0,X22Y7,X22Y10,X22Y12,X22Y14,X23Y0,X23Y1,X23Y2,X23Y4,X23Y5,X23Y6,X23Y7,X23Y10,X23Y12,X23Y14,X24Y0,X24Y1,X24Y4,X24Y10,X24Y12,X24Y14,X25Y0,X25Y3,X25Y4,X25Y5,X25Y6,X25Y7,X25Y8,X25Y9,X25Y10,X25Y12,X25Y14,X26Y0,X26Y5,X26Y8,X26Y12,X26Y14,X27Y0,X27Y1,X27Y2,X27Y3,X27Y5,X27Y6,X27Y8,X27Y10,X27Y11,X27Y12,X27Y14,X28Y0,X28Y3,X28Y5,X28Y8,X28Y12,X28Y14,X29Y0,X29Y1,X29Y3,X29Y5,X29Y7,X29Y8,X29Y10,X29Y12,X29Y14,X30Y1,X30Y3,X30Y5,X30Y8,X30Y10,X30Y14,X31Y1,X31Y3,X31Y5,X31Y6,X31Y8,X31Y10,X31Y11,X31Y12,X31Y13,X31Y14,X32Y1,X32Y3,X32Y8,X32Y12,X33Y1,X33Y3,X33Y5,X33Y6,X33Y7,X33Y8,X33Y10,X33Y12,X34Y1,X34Y3,X34Y10,X34Y12,X34Y13,X34Y14,X35Y0,X35Y1,X35Y3,X35Y5,X35Y6,X35Y7,X35Y8,X35Y10,X35Y14,X36Y0,X36Y3,X36Y8,X36Y9,X36Y10,X36Y12,X36Y14,X37Y0,X37Y2,X37Y3,X37Y5,X37Y6,X37Y8,X37Y10,X37Y12,X37Y14,X38Y0,X38Y2,X38Y6,X38Y8,X38Y10,X38Y11,X38Y12,X38Y14,X39Y0,X39Y2,X39Y4,X39Y6,X39Y8,X39Y12,X39Y14,X40Y0,X40Y2,X40Y3,X40Y4,X40Y6,X40Y8,X40Y10,X40Y14,X41Y0,X41Y4,X41Y5,X41Y6,X41Y8,X41Y9,X41Y10,X41Y11,X41Y13,X41Y14,X42Y0,X42Y1,X42Y2,X42Y8,X42Y11,X42Y14,X43Y2,X43Y3,X43Y4,X43Y5,X43Y6,X43Y7,X43Y8,X43Y11,X43Y12,X43Y13,X43Y14) do (Set %%a=%Bound%)
For %%a in (X1Y1,X1Y6,X1Y8,X15Y11,X17Y7,X19Y1,X19Y8,X24Y5,X25Y1,X35Y9,X39Y3,X40Y9) do (Set S_%%a=%Point%)
For %%a in (X19Y13) do (Set %%a=%Exit%)
Goto :Eof

Set "Quote_1=Intellectual growth should commence at birth  and cease only at death"
Set "Quote_2=Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if   you'll die today."
Set "Quote_3=Laugh as much as you breathe and love as      long as you live."
Set "Quote_4=L337 H4CK1N6 L4N6U463 3XP3R13NC3 3XP3CT3D"
Set "Quote_5=My Baby, I Want To Tell You What I Love U"
Set "Quote_6=The Pass for the last level is incrackeable,  use numbers instead of vocals!"
Set "Quote_7=I will Love Your Four Ever My Little CLQM.    Att: JASG ;)"
Set "Quote_8=Collect Points To Get Lives. Walk Around The  Labyrinth for points"
Set "Quote_9=Change Uppercase Letters In The Credits for   Numbers, like in leet."
Set "Quote_0=Did you hear about the Konami Code ?...       Did you tried it yet ??"
Goto :Eof

Set /a "RVal=%Random% %% 10"
Set "Random_Quote=!Quote_%RVal%!"
Goto :Eof

Echo.       Credits for WarGame v 2
Echo.          Idea - SmartGenius
Echo.    Design - SmArTgEnIuS ^& GErmAnIAc
Echo.  Programming - SmArTgEnIuS ^& GErmAnIAc
Echo.    Twitter: @thesmartgenius
Echo.        SmartGenius, Corp. 2012
Echo. Press any key...
Pause >nul
Ping -n 2 >nul
Goto :Eof

Skype: Bloc-Hack